понедельник, 21 декабря 2015 г.
понедельник, 7 декабря 2015 г.
Hogmanay is what
the Scots call New Year's Eve - 31 December - and the arrival of the New Year
is always celebrated in style across the country.
1. Hogmanay is the Scots word for the last
day of the year and is synonymous with the celebration of the New Year in the
Scottish manner.
2. Nobody knows for sure where the word
'Hogmanay' came from. It may have originated from Gaelic or from Norman-French
3. Historically, Christmas was not observed
as a festival and Hogmanay was the more traditional celebration in Scotland.
The winter solstice holiday tended to be at New Year when family and friends
gathered for a party and exchange presents, especially for the children.
4. ‘The Bells’ is the phrase used to describe
the midnight hour when New Year's Eve becomes New Year's Day.
5. Burns’ ‘Auld Lang Syne’ is sung to
celebrate the start of the New Year at the stroke of midnight, not just in
Scotland but in many English-speaking countries.
6. The Guinness Book of World Records lists
‘Auld Lang Syne’ as one of the most frequently sung songs in English. The song
is sung or played in many movies, from ‘It's a Wonderful Life’ to ‘When Harry
Met Sally.’
7. To sing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ a circle is
created and hands are joined with the person on each side of you. At the
beginning of the last verse, everyone crosses their arms across their breast,
so that the right hand reaches out to the neighbour on the left and vice versa.
When the tune ends, everyone rushes to the middle, while still holding hands.
8. An important element of Hogmanay
celebrations is to welcome friends and strangers, with warm hospitality and of
course a kiss to wish everyone a ‘Guid New Year’. The underlying belief is to
clear out the vestiges of the old year, have a clean break and welcome in a
young, New Year on a happy note.
9. ‘First Footing’ – the ‘first foot’ in the
house after midnight is still very common is Scotland. To ensure good luck, a
first footer should be a dark-haired male. Fair-haired first footers were not
particularly welcome after the Viking invasions of ancient times. Traditional
gifts include a lump of coal to lovingly place on the host’s fire, along with
shortbread, a black bun and whisky to toast to a Happy New Year.
10. To first foot a
household empty-handed is considered grossly discourteous, never mind unlucky!

Laverbread or ‘bara lawr’ in Welsh is an important traditional food of historical value. A national delicacy made from seaweed, it is washed and then cooked to a soft greenish black paste. Made from laver, one of the most nutritious varieties of seaweed, laverbread is full of health benefits. Rich in minerals and vitamins, full of protein and low in calories, this is a real superfood. A rare plant source of vitamin B12, it is also full of iron and iodine.
A versatile ingredient used creatively by modern chefs, home cooks and traditional recipes alike, laverbread is a highly underrated considering its nutritional profile and unique flavour.
пятница, 4 декабря 2015 г.
четверг, 26 ноября 2015 г.
Call boy (or call girl) is the job title of a stagehand in the theatre. They are hired by either the director, producer or stage crew chief. They report directly to the crew chief, are usually paid by the hour, and will sometimes rotate between several groups from one performance to the next.
The primary responsibility of the call boy or girl is to move from backstage to the dressing rooms and green rooms alerting actors and actresses of their entrances in time for them to appear on stage on cue. For example, they might call out, "You're on in five minutes, Miss Bernhardt."
The call boy or girl also calls the "quarter hour" and "overture and beginners,"[1] the preparatory warning that signals for the orchestra to start the introductory music and the beginners, those performers who appear on stage at the beginning of the first act, to get into their opening positions. The call boy or girl also assists with scene changes.
The two-step is a step found in various dances, including many folk dance.
A two-step consists of two steps in approximately the same direction onto the same foot, separated by a closing step with the other foot. For example, a right two-step forward is a forward step onto the right foot, a closing step with the left foot, and a forward step onto the right foot. The closing step may be done directly beside the other foot, or obliquely beside, or even crossed, as long as the closing foot does not go past the other foot.
среда, 25 ноября 2015 г.
Bars brith
вторник, 24 ноября 2015 г.
A roadster, sometimes referred to as a spideror spyder, is an open two-seat car with emphasis on sporting appearance or character. Initially an American term for a two-seat car with no weather protection, usage has spread internationally and has evolved to include two-seat convertible.
The roadster is also a style of racing car driven in United States Auto Club (USAC) Championship Racing, including the Indianapolis 500, in the 1950s and 1960s. This type of racing car was superseded by mid-engined cars.
понедельник, 23 ноября 2015 г.
Welsh rarebit