понедельник, 23 ноября 2015 г.

Swan Upping

Swan Upping
Taking place on the third week in July every year, this is the annual census of the Crown’s swan population. It dates back to the 12th Century when the Crown claimed ownership of all mute swans, (the kind which do not migrate). Nowadays however the Queen only exercises a part-right of ownership on swans in specific stretches of the Thames and surrounding tributaries.

In the Swan Upping ceremony, the Queen's Swan Marker and Royal Swan Uppers use six traditional Thames rowing skiffs in their five-day journey up-river. The Queen's Swan Uppers wear traditional scarlet uniforms and each boat flies the regulatory flags and pennants.
When a brood of cygnets is sighted, a cry of "All up!" is given and the boats move into position. The cygnets are weighed and measured and are given a brief health check.
On passing Windsor Castle, the rowers stand to attention in their boat with oars raised and salute"Her Majesty the Queen, Seigneur of the Swans".

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